Preaching: Expository or Text-Driven?
Expository preaching has its proponents and detractors. One only has to read either Haddon Robinson and Jerry Vines or Fred Craddock and...

Sermon Notes or Noteless?
As a preacher, I know from experience how important sermon delivery is in the overall sermon event. How often have I worked hard to...

"We Interrupt This Sermon . . ."
You might recall the lead-in to those annoying interruptions to your television program: "We interrupt this broadcast for an important...

You might recall the Jeff Foxworthy comedy routine: “You might be a redneck if . . .” He would draw out much laughter with his...

Top Ten Books Every Preacher Should Read
John A. Broadus. On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Vestavia Hills, AL: Solid Ground Christian Books, 2004.
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